Contacts for Swallow Hill Condominiums


Apryl Brady

Community Contact, Market Street Management

(303) 535-5429 or (303) 595-8710

Apryl serves as the Swallow Hill Condominium account manager at Market Street Management. She can help you with questions about HOA docs, dues, and moving.

Ann Wilson

President, HOA Board of Directors

Ann Wilson has served as the board president since January of 2024. She moved into Clarkson building in 2013. She is retired and looking forward to working with the Swallow Hill community.

Rick Doris

Building Manager, Market Street Management

(303) 595-8710

Rick has been managing both the Swallow Hill Emerson and Clarkson buildings for over almost two decades. He is well-versed in the technologies and building systems utilized by Swallow Hill and takes pride in making sure our buildings run efficiently.